Dentsu Public Relations (Dentsu PR) released on Christmas 2012 its projections for the SNS Industry in Japan. According to survey results conducted by the company, more than 60% of respondents showed positive outlook about SNS use in 2013 including anticipation to increase usage and expectations of expanded applications. Only 20% had negative feelings about SNS.
The best known SNS are Twitter (98.7%), Facebook (98.4%), and mixi(95.9%) - each enjoying awareness of over 95%. Social gaming services such as Mobage scored 94.9% with GREE at a close 91.5%. The highest rated "free calling services" was LINE, scoring 76.5% and leading by a wide margin over their competition.
The open-ended question, "What is your future outlook on SNS in 2013?" received 65.3% positive responses such as "SNS will become the main mode of communication," "SNS and TV will tag team and programmes will evolve," and "there will be more advances on utilizing SNS for prevention of and responding to disasters." Dentsu PR saw with as an overwhelming positive outlook by the respondents.
Negative comments, on the other hand, were: "people will tire of SNS and move on," and "SNS will cause problems among individuals in managing their relationships to others," and accounted for 23.9%.
In terms of actual SNS usage, 41.7% said they currently use Facebook either every day or on occasion, and 40.5% said they use Twitter in the same way. While teens led by a wide margin in the age/gender segmentation for usage of Twitter with more than 60% saying they use it regularly; for Facebook, there was no age/gender gap from teens through to people in their 40s, indicating that it is more uniformly used across the segments.
Dentsu PR anticipates SNS to become more "compartmentalized" and "specialized" in that it will become less of a means for information dissemination or ubiquitous and more "anti-ubiquitous" as more obvious "groupings" emerge and the information shared becomes more in-depth and specialized.
The survey was conducted by an in-house cross-sectional group called "The Social Media Laboratoy 'Antenna'," established in June 2012, as an online survey. Men and women aged 15 through 60 were selected for the research. There were a total of 1,339 effective replies and the survey was conducted from 22 through 28 November.
### CarpediemJapan Comments and Additional Related Facts ###
In September 2012, the Hakuhodo DY Group announced SNS users survey results (n=1,080) that 30.5% of SNS users are on smartphones while 57.6% use PCs.
The younger age groups have a higher propensity towards accessing SNS through smartphones with 49.4% of teens and 42.9% of 20-somethings vs. 30.9% of people in their 30s, 20.0% of people in their 40s, and only 14.2% of people in their 50s.
PC use to access SNS increases as the users get older: 42.1% of people in their 20s, 54.6% of those in their 30s, 73.5% of those in their 40s, and 79.7% of those in their 50s.
Tablet usage is less than 10% in all age groups at this time, with the 2.8% in their 30s being the highest figure and those of the other groups being less than 1%.
Twitter in Japan definitely enjoyed a huge boost in recognition after the 3.11.2010 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, where Twitter was seen to be the fastest and most effective way for people to share information on events when major communication channels (mobile telephony, etc.) were down or overwhelmed.
Mixi has lost a lot of ground to Facebook in 2012 and is struggling to change its downward trends as advertising revenue plummets.
Gaming sites lost much credibility last year as "Gachapon" games became first a social phenomenon then a major social headache with reports in the media claiming that minors had racked up bills as high as 1,000,0000 yen trying to "win" rare cards.
LINE continues to make headlines as it promotes its commercial accounts with Lawson's being a successful first mover who is happy to share its "O2O" (online to offline) success stories.
2013年のSNS、前向きにとらえる人が6割:電通PR調査 - トピックス:ITpro Active
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